Monday, July 04, 2005

Stick to your strengths

By and large, the U.S. is good at only a few things. First, we make better movies than anyone (sorry Bollywood). Second, we're born followers. The American people love to follow. They're kind of like sheep in that way. When someone does end up leading, usually they screw it up because the whole lead by example thing eludes them. Last, Americans destroy things better than anybody. This is the country that brought you the A-bomb. When our nation's leader's aren't kissing corporate ass, or diddling the interns, they're usually tearing down the buildings and lives of people in another country. Most recently, the scientific community has jumped on the bandwagon of smashing things. Most notable in this group is NASA. For years, they've been failing to land probes and roves on Mars, instead smashing the billion dollar robots into the surface. They finally got the hint and decided to intentionally smash an expensive robot into an astronomical body. The probe dubbed 'Deep Impact' collided into Comet Tempel-One flawlessly. Michael Griffin, Bush appointed head of NASA, was quoted to say "Wow, we sure smashed it good, huh! Well, that's about the best mission we've ever had, I tell you what. Hey, lets see the instant replay on that. Wow!"
So remember, unless you celebrate the independence of your great nation by incinerating a small piece of it, the terrorists win.

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