Monday, February 21, 2005

brought to you by the letter B and the number 50

I will never again doubt the power of the B vitamin. Yesterday I started taking the disgusting little yellow pills of a vitamin B-50 complex, and I can't believe how it's impoved my mood. Case in point; I asked a girl that I had some history with and that I generally felt really good around, if at this late date I had any chance with her. It's a strait forward question and was mostly to determine if I should put any more effort into it. I got totally shut down. But somehow I feel great! I can't explain it. Given how I've felt for the last several weeks I should have logically been depressed enough to follow Hunter S. Thompson's example. But somehow, I feel better than I have in a long time. To give a good contrast; when a girl that I had a huge crush on told me this summer that she was a lesbian, I was heart broken, such that I even had shooting pains up my left side. Now, I could practically dance a fucking jig. Fuck Prozac, Zyprexa, heroine, Zoloph, cocaine, Lithium and any of the other things on the market; people just need an insane dosage of vitamin B.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better.
I never knew Vitamin B complex worked such miracles. Ever try St. John's Wort?