Sunday, September 21, 2003


The Galileo space craft has outlived expectations and has provided nasa scientists with visions from a time when there weren't problems converting metric and emperial measurements, and space probes didn't smash 8 feet into the planets surface. Galileo's only major problem was that it's main antenna didn't deploy and they had to use a secondary one which was much smaller. Yet sadly, the space craft is scheduled for termination. It has been told to crash into Jupiter and collect some data along the way as long as it can. Nasa engineers have carefully planned this controlled self distruction so that the pile of heavy metals and plutonium doesn't crash into Juropa, the one other heavenly body in this solar system likely to contain some form of life. Of course, this will probably get screwed up so instead of what was planned, some little alien fish is going to get squished with a piece of radioactive space junk. Hopefully it'll be an intelligent species and this attack will be taken as the first act of interstellar terrorism by the evil planet NASA. Before long, alian ships will begin knocking out our infrastructure and then declare themselves the winners but refuse to leave. Hey, at least it's more interesting sounding than just burning up in a poisonous atmosphere.

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