Monday, September 15, 2003

Fed up

FedEx feeds off of commerce like humanity is a parasite on god. Or perhapd, a better analogy, FedEx is like a phoetus. I don't mean that it will eventually grow into something productive, quite possibly it will grow into something horrendously evil which will eventually be remembered as a blight on human kind. But I digress. It is like a phoetus, conceived in a test tube, because it feeds on a host source and experiences nothing but steady sustained growth. The host, or parent, or modern instant commerce, continues to feed it at its own expense. People cough up over fifty dollars just to get a package of documents overnight, documents that will probably never get read. People send gifts the day before holidays and society suffers while fed ex grows. Commerce is under the impression that if it aborts its phoetus, then it's line will die with it. But just like organisms, perhaps, if the line will die without this one investment in its genetic code, then perhaps that line deserves to be annihilated. After all, that is the nature of evolution. Instead, those that hedge bets will be the survivors. Doing things most economically while remaining flexible is the key to surviving catastrophe. FedEx is like a thin wooden dowel in place of the spine of commerce. If it breaks, the host/ parent will live for a while, but it may not survive long enough to spawn off another messenger to fill the void.
Conserve Commerce diversity

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