Friday, June 10, 2005

Look Out Ladies

Despite having broken the ties that bind several weeks ago (see: my world is a far brighter place now that you're not in it), I'm only now officially a bachelor. And now that I don't have a ton of work and projects to take up my time, I can focus on ahem other pursuits. Okay, granted that I'm a bachelor of science, but that just means that I can repeatedly and falsifyably be single.
My parents came up for the convocation ceremony and I was given the royal treatment. Each supper I ate was about as much as I spend weekly on groceries, but I'm not complaining. I enjoy a steak dinner. As for the generosity of other relatives, I made out like it was my bar mitsvah. Oh, and really, look out. I'm getting a van at the end of the summer and bachelor van jokes aside, I haven't driven regularly for about 3 years, so it'd be wise to give a blue chevy Astro lt van some space for safety's sake.

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