Friday, June 24, 2005

Mystery Fossil Revealed

After consulting many PhD's who couldn't even agree on what Kingdom to place the onerous specimen into, a couple of grad students in Dr. Chatterton's invert lab came to the rescue. Apparently its a spine from a shark similar to Listracanthus from the early Triassic of Wapiti Lake, British Columbia. They knew because they had collected buckets of identical fossils and even used them as a marker bed for the strata that they were in. The runner up identification was that of a very poorly known and rare graptolite, which was thought up by Dr. Fred Clark. In all fairness, having never seen specimens like that makes it difficult for anyone to venture a guess. As Dr. George Pemberton says "the best geologist [or paleontologist] is the one that's seen the most rocks [or fossils]."

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