Wednesday, June 15, 2005

On the floor no more

I have a bed. It's a big deal to me because it's the first sort of true bed I've had since my air mattress completely crapped out in mid December. My mom offered to buy me a bed when she came up to visit last week but my hermit sense told me that I'd soon be able to procure one for a small fraction of what she was going to spend. Its not that I didn't think she could afford it. Nor is it the case that I couldn't afford a normal bed for myself, I just think that there are better things to spend money on than my creature comforts. My hermit sense did not fail me, for just yesterday, the university sold off a bunch of surplus/ old equipment, furniture, and items from lost and found. I picked up a new (circa 1999) sound card for my computer, a key board for Hydrass and a lawn chair, which is now serving as my bed. All together I spent $10 CAD. The lawn chair itself was $2.

1 comment:

Spark of Life said...

My mother still hasn't come up to bring me my things from home since I've moved into my new apartment. The other day I put on the guilt and told her I didn't have anything to sleep on, and I think she's finally coming.

But I've got a bed. It's about 50 years old, nad my roommate's mother was conceived on it, but it's a bed. Now I don't know what to do with it.