Saturday, May 21, 2005

Darth Jesus

Hydrass and I went to see "Star Wars" the other night. Despite the fact that it had replaced most qualities that made the original movies great (ie. pithy dialogue, one liners, insults shared between protagonists and a villain that was really evil as opposed to just pissy) with spectacular visuals and extended fight scenes, I enjoyed it. One thing that caught my attention though was Obi Wan's reply to Anikan saying "if you are not with me, you are my enemy." Obi Wan said that only sith's dealt with such absolutes. Hmmm, really? For those of you who have a bible handy, go to Mathew 12:30 or Luke 11:23. Both appostles attribute "He that is not with me is against me" to Jesus.

1 comment:

Spark of Life said...

First of all, Jesus was the first Jedi (Pilate was the first Sith Lord, and Judas was his apprentice).

Second, I caught that discrepancy with Obi Wan, too.