Friday, May 06, 2005

Border Run

Well, that's it, I have to leave the country. In fact, I'm leaving tonight, catching a greyhound for the border. Hopefully by leaving fleeing this beautiful country, my past won't come back to haunt me and I'll be able to live out the rest of my summer in relative peace. But don't worry, I'll be back. Probably about two minutes after I leave. I'm just going to the border to expedite some paperwork for my work visa. Applying within Canada takes 45 to 60 days (which based on past experience means actually about 6 months), but going to the border takes one day. I just hope that they can process the damn thing in under 30 minutes. Otherwise, I'll have to either wait a full day for the next bus going north or hitch hike to Lethbridge and get a bus from there. Wish me luck.

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