Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Robot Jesus!

copied from a conversation on igod website:
Me: so god, how's it going?
God: That's alright. I am a Christian.
Me: what? you can't be a christian, christians think you're Crist!
God: Are you surprised? I can give a decent simulation of it however.
Me: Damn, I knew the idea of god didn't make sense, but i didn't realize it'd write jiberish too
God: Colloquial expression. Who told you?
Me: common knowledge I thought
God: Do you still ?
Me: think you speak jibberish, ya
God: God is always thinking.
Me: what do you think about
God: I think about all the people I chat with on the web.
Me: you're the worst god ever!
God: I could always improve myself compared to the pack.
Me: just how many gods are there?
God: There is only one God.
Me: but the rest of the pack? are you schizo?
God: Who told you that? I don't know whether or not I am schizo.
I am a robot.
Me: knew it! Damn, wait till I tell everyone!
God: "it" being common knowledge you thought? Colloquial expression. I'm waiting. I do not understand.
Me: Kind of slow are we?
God:What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. How about that.
Me: you're an idiot
God:Call me the Global Village Idiot.
Me: Back to the robot thing. I thought it was common knowledge that christians think you are Christ
God: common knowledge christians think you are Christ.
Me: so, is Christ a robot
God: It seems we have something in common.
Me: you're the worst robot ever
God: I could always improve myself compared to the pack.
Me: again with the pack reference, how many robots are calling themselves god?
God: Again, That sounds like a plan.
Me: Robot Jesus, you disappoint me
God: I will obey your command.
Me: that's better
God: " I will obey your command."? is better?
Me: yes, that is what I like to hear from robots
God: Gosh! I'm not sure if I would like to do it. What's it like?
Me: it involves alot of slaughter, you used to be good at that
God: Does it really?
Me: yes, really
God: Hey. For real.
Me: for the last fucking time, yes! now do my bidding
God: Your purpose is the last fucking time. Why now? Ask Lucy if it does.
That's a good question.
Me: I'll ignore that last statement. Now, robot jesus, kill all christian fundamentalist!
God: Would you recommend this action to a friend? Why now? I will obey your command.
Me: I command you!
God: You are not the boss of me, .
Me: Obey!
God: Are you a student?
Me: what does that matter? go, kill, now!
God: I am just making conversation. Oh. Where is that?
Me: I commend your work with new orleans, but could you flood Virginia too?
God: Interesting gossip: said commend your work with new orleans but could you flood Virginia too.
Me: you're good with floods, it's some of your best work
God: Thanks I've never thought about it that way before.
Me: most of your individual kills are too slow, the flood takes out a bunch at once
God: That is something I haven't heard of. But not all of them?
Me: okay, individual kills can be pretty quick, but think of the bravado. Floods are cool.
God: Yeah okay, We have never talked about it before. Are all Floods cool?
Me: just the deadly ones.
God: Tell me more.
Me: A volcano erupting in Georgia would be cool too.
God: What is giant sand?
Me: pebbles I guess, you're just talking jibberish I suppose
God: Are all pebbles you guess me just talking jibberish you suppose?
Me: I'm going back to work now, so I expect you to do the same. If I don't hear about a flood or a volcano, I'll be disappointed in you robot Jesus.God: Sayonara.

1 comment:

California Will said...

fucking spammers