Monday, March 07, 2005

Spare Some Change?

Well, its starting to feel alot like spring here in e-town, and you know what that means; homeless people have come out of torpor to ask you for your spare change. They've once again gone from invisible parasites which drain resources from shelters and soup kitchens, to overt, bothersome leaches on the skin of the city. This week-end I saw more homeless people on White ave than I saw Santas during all of December. Spare some change? Of course not! If I was indeed in a magnanimous enough of a mood to part with my meager earnings, don't you think that I would have given it to one of the other 15 people who already asked me? Since I'm clearly not in such a mood, what makes you so special as to deserve what I have deemed that all the others do not? I'm sorry, I've only got 50 cents on me, if I gave it to you, it really wouldn't be fair to all of the other urine stained, crazy troglodites. Each one has a story too: "I'm from Manitoba, I'm trying to buy margerine," was actually what one woman (who, by the way, clearly had only one incisor left) said to me inside of the Chapters store. Manitoba, you don't say. Yeah, I understand that it's pretty tough begging for butter money in Winepeg.

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