Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Everything's Coming Up Millhouse!

This week has been excessively packed. To start things off, I have a paper due tomarrow. It's on torsion modeling in mammalian carnivore skulls. I managed to prove that this other guy's model is just a special case of the one that I thought up, but also managed to prove that both models are equally unlike actual reality. This was after about 12 hours with statistical software. What have I been doing instead of working on this paper? On Saturday I went to Calgary for the meeting of the Alberta Paleontological Society; fun was had by all (except Jess who had to sit between two highly critical, highly talkitive people, during the most boring 60 minute lecture on the Pleistoce ever. That, and the two people she was sitting between hate each other. As a result of conversations with various heads of research institutions at the meeting, I now have two more possible job prospects.
Sunday was cool because my parents let me know that since they bought another CNG car, I can have the old family van. I just have to go back to California and get it. One way ticket from Edmonton to LAX, $253. Cost of Gas getting back to Edmonton, who knows. Being able to take my stuff with me when I move: whatever the sum of the previous two would be.
Monday I was notified that the University is giving me back a sizable chunk of change.
The first week of spring it has snowed more than all of February combined. I guess that counts as flooding, sort of.

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