Monday, July 19, 2004

Digging with the BHI

   This weekend I went to Wyoming to participate in a Dino dig with the Black Hills Institute.  There were three dinosaur horizons within only a couple of meters of each other.  The first had some sauropod and some stegosaur bits, but the material was really badly weathered from being at the surface.  The next horizon, the one that I worked at contained a nearly complete "Camarasaur."  I put that in quotes because they really aren't sure yet.  Alot of the features look like a mix of camarasaur and diplodocoid characters.  An hour before I left they started to find the skull so that ought to provide some insite.  The next horizon below that contained some more stegosaur bits but that site hadn't been opened yet.  What I found while there included a number of rib fragments, what might be part of the maxilla of the sauropod we're looking and a coelurus tooth.  While walking around a found a couple of large (25+  lbs) bone fragments that everybody else had passed over as rocks.  I guess they weren't expecting to find eroded material that big.  Too bad I didn't get to keep one of them, but it probably would have cost about $30 to send it home to the collection anyway.
   Over the weekend I also read Fight Club.  It's a good book and the movie parted from it a bit, but having seen both I'd have to say that the movie was a really good adaptation.  What was changed was probably done so to cut down on the number of characters and to keep it from getting an NC17 rating.  I liked it so much that I just ordered that author's other books Lulaby and Choke.  But since I found a good deal on Marsh's Dinosaurs, I ordered that at the same time too. 

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