Monday, February 09, 2004

Rage Time

Yesterday, either Allan or Joel brought up an interesting question; how much time you you say you spend enraged? For the purpose of discussion, we made rage to include angry frustration and bad moods that include mental images of hurting others or overpowering other (even if only to get rid of them). Joel responded that 15-20% of his time was spent in such a condition (this is including all that time spent sleeping). This means that practically a third of his waking time is spent in an extremely foul mood. Allans responce also seemed high at 5%, though much lower than Joel's. Allan has always outwardly presented himself as a stoic, emotionless zen master. I guess he just bottles it up. I'll have to remember to stay on his good side. As for me, I really don't know. My mood is highly dependant on ambient temperature and light and CO2 levels. The warmer it is (within reason) generally the happier I am. The converse is also true. This does not necessarily mean that I go strait into rage when it gets below freezing. Actually, I just get sluggish and go into periods of metabolic torpor. Thought there is set of ballance points where it is warm enough for me to get my blood up. Generally this is the temperature that I'm at when I'm lightly bundled in one of the halls of V-wing. With thousands of people around me struggling in one direction like some anatomical macrocosm, consuming all the O2 and acting like complete idiots, I am prone to visions of massive sweeping motions that hurtle people into the snow, or into adjacent lecture theaters. Sauron at the very start of Fellowship used such swings. Another time when I "feel" rage, or as I prefer, the wrathful power of provedence, is in any dance club or bar in which the average age of attendees is below 21. Clearly these people are wastes of oxygen and ought to be eliminated from my path like insects beneath my heel. But then I getting carried away.

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