Sunday, September 14, 2008


I've been waiting to be a graduate student for quite a while.  Now that I am one, I can think about things in a completely different way that when I wasn't.  This weekend, I finished reading the biography of Charles Shulz, read (and re-read) several papers on Australian skinks and started (and will possibly finish) Vonegutt's "Breakfast of Champions," in addition to watching several episodes of my favorite TV shows from the comfort of my computer.  The relative importance of these things in terms of my education are as follows: TV shows < Books < Thesis materials.  Their relevance in terms of relative accessibility by others are the complete other way around.  It takes a fair bit of work to become an expert in something that few other people are familiar with.  With regard to the skinks, I am probably one of about two or three dozen people who have ever, or will ever read the combination of research articles that I read this weekend.  I realize that this process is an integral part of science, but I would greatly prefer to be known as an expert in something that many people care about, rather than a few very specifically educated people.  The Master's degree is one step of many that I must take.  I just hope that in the process of learning the specifics about these lizards, that I am able to learn the specifics of a much broader range of creatures.  I do so hate being asked what something is an not knowing.


Kirstin said...

Will! Where are you? What school are you going to? Will you be at SVP?

dd26 said...

I started looking people up from our highschool yearbook just to see where they are at and what they are doing. So many are married, have kids, and great careers. I have got to say, you havent changed one bit. It seems like you have sacrificed so much to be where you are at right now. If I only had half of the determination you do. It seems like you have lived a very interesting life after high school. I hope you make friends soon. It can be very difficult without anyone around. Good luck with your studies!

California Will said...

well dd26, whoever you are, I'd like to think that I've actually changed a fair bit since High School. As far as sacrifice goes, I don't think I've given up too much that I would have had if I didn't continue pursuing my academic career.