Tuesday, November 07, 2006

When you got it. . .

Anybody'd be willing to give it to you. Inuendo aside, this means in my case that I can't get a lone from a reporting credit agency until I can sufficiently prove that I absolutely don't need it. This is one of the truisms that has plagued the young go-getter for generations but I feel that it warrents re-iterating here.
Today I spent much of my time in the library, pouring over consumer reports; thuroughly analysing just how poorly made American cars are these days and determining just the vehicle that would best suit my needs and means and then I went to two financial institutions to see if I could borrow the money. As it turns out, given my short credit history and brief time at my current job, I won't be able to get a lone until such a time as I'll have already saved up enough that I'll have no need of it. Heck, at that point I might just get the lone and pay it back the next day just to spite the crediting agency.
Naturally though, publically traded financial institutions aren't the only option. I can still go to my family for a very reasonable rate on an auto loan, but I'm the sort who would only go to relatives for help if and only if I absolutely couldn't do it myself. Call me stubbourn I guess. In the end, this turn of luck just means that I'll need to fix the astro van before getting a permanent replacement rather than after. I intended all along to fix it so that I could get a much higher resale value for it, but I guess that I'll just have to make that investment sooner than later.

1 comment:

traumador said...

That or you could just steal a new ride :P

I hear you though. My exploits to get funded for New Zealand are similar. Couldn't get a student loan till I'd already paid tuition!?!

All the more reason to give up money all together