Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Do You Smell That?

It's the smell of civic responsibility, it smells like duty!
I voted today, just a few minutes ago as a matter of fact. For the most part, if i didn't care who won because I didn't know the candidate, I just left it blank. This was the case for the majority of the judicial positions. However, I decided that for major state rolls, I'd throw my vote away in a different manner. I voted for people who couldn't possibly win as a symbolic way of showing that I think that both of the two major parties have done a bum job over the last few years and that I think that they will continue to "stay the course" in this respect. The one section of the ballot that I genuinly cared about was the various initiatives up for the vote. I'll admit that I voted in a rather leftist manner, but I was constrained on a couple of initiatives because provisions had been built in which I thought aught to be on a seperate measure or just shouldn't be regulated at the state level. Besides, on issues that were contentious such as new property taxes for education and eminant domain, the people that I voted for for city government appear likely to vote my way on a case by case basis, obviating the need for the state control.
That's my political rant, one of millions being posted today.

1 comment:

traumador said...

We lefty's aren't so bad Will,

Good to see that you've taken the proper means of protest in a democracy. Rather then not vote (the only right you have that ppl in other countries don't... when you stop to think about it) you just didn't vote for the winner... Not only does it make you a good citizen it also makes you a