Saturday, September 16, 2006


Life is pretty decent for me here in So. Cal. First of all, I get paid to do what I love. Second of all, heavy equipment does the majority of the actual work for me. The down side however is that for every one fossil that I find, another 99 are likely destroyed by the machines without my ever knowing of their existance. Another disadvantage is that just about everything that I find has been run over by a bulldozer once prior to discovery. Other items, still in situ (their original place in the rock) are impossible to remove from their resting places intact and consiquentially need to be glued back together.
These days, all I work with is fish from the Yorba member of the Puente formation. I practically eat, sleep and breath the light tan shale.

For scale ; The orange dot in the lower left hand corner is a person, the white line is a drain pipe.

1 comment:

traumador said...

mmmmmm shale

well fossils are fossils... could be worse... nothing there to find anymore