Tuesday, August 01, 2006

NO means Maybe

At work, I find a fair number of crummy fossils that I don't even bother to collect, or collect and later decide that it wasn't worth it and consiquentially discard. Withouth knowing this though, a few of the machine opperators have been asking for fossils for their kids or girlfriends and others. So far, I've made it clear that I can't give them anything that is scientifically significant (i.e. worth keeping) but that I can give them other pieces, which I have. One fellow though seems oddly persistant. He asks for stuff everyday, even badgers me for fossils, goads me into giving them to him; and if success is an indicator of skill, then he's good at it too. Frankly, his tactics are cheesey. "Oh man, ya know, I like getting these things from the person who finds them because I learn so much more, and I've seen you work harder and find more than all the other palea . . . paleontologixsts at any site, and you find the most . . ." It's not that stroking my ego is effective, it's just that I give him stuff to shut him up and make him go away. What iritates me most however is that he's taking my kindness for granted. Even recently, now that they're moving earth in an area that doesn't have as many fossils, the guy still asks for pieces of what I'm finding (currently re-sedimented petrified wood) and I have to politely tell him no, but I might end up giving him a small piece just to get rid of him for the time being.

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