Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Not Learning My Lesson

Laying on the floor, staring at the carpet fibres, thinking to my self "well, here we are again. You know this isn't good for you, that this isn't going to help you in your ultimate goals, so why do you keep doing this? You seem like you've got a decent sized brain pan, so what gives? Are you trying to make up for four years of lost time? And just think of your organs! Oh well, I give up. I'm checking out, good night." I've lost my soul, I'm hitting the sauce and the sauce is hitting back right in the gut. It all seems like such a good idea at the time; "have some friends over. . . it'll be fun." But when friends don't show up and the philosophy is "more for me then," I ultimately end up on the floor of my apartment, clutching my stomach and going over the opening lines of this post in my head over and over. Oh damnable cranberries! Terriaki, orange and ginger have been the wreck of me. Eat to live, don't live to eat as they say. This frenzy of cooking with actual recipes, sauces and side dishes has resulted in a couple of nights of over eating and resultant stomach aches. The fact that the soul has completely fallen off one of my sneakers hasn't even distracted me from my gastronomic experimentation. Oh, and it all seemed so good at the time.

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