Saturday, August 20, 2005

I had to throw out the severed head you gave me

Since my trip to California extends past the first of September, and since my current land lord is a douche and won't let me keep the place for an additional six days, and since my new place isn't ready to move into yet, it looks like I'll be enjoying my annual act of being temporarily homeless. This leaves the question of what to do with all of my stuff. I'd rather lose a digit than deal with U-haul again, so I've decided to hide it all in a descrete location somewhere on campus. Given that I'm carrying all this stuff the approximately 1 mile to the hiding place, I've decided to dispose of alot of the things that are no longer or never have been useful to me. For instance, a friend once gave me a rudimentary replica of myself to use as a decoy for Immegrations. All I have left of it is the head, and I'm finally throwing it away. Also going are many papers, a few magazines, dead pens, a dead hooker, and some snow boots that my dad insisted that I bring to Canada but have only been used twice in 4 years. Other items are simply going to California and staying there. Ironically, many of these things were once gifts from the very family that I'm leaving them with. Seriously, I've played Risk twice since my brother gave it to me 4 years ago and I can only really use one polar fleece, tent-like parka. Were I outfitting an expedition of 10 to Antarctica, I might use more of thermal undewear or poofy jackets. Given the average Californian's idea of bitter cold (about 65 degrees F), my family would actually get better use out of the gear than I would.

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