Friday, April 08, 2005

Girls Don't Make Passes . . .

Decisions, decisions. . . hmmm. Well, I think its time that I let out a secret that I've kept for quite a while. One that only I know. One that I'm kind of ashamed of though I know how socially acceptable it is these days. That's right, I'm near sighted and I have astigmatism. Ha! Bet you thought I was turning gay, didn't you. Nope, I'm just getting nerdier. Today I went in for an eye exam and the guy basically told me what I already knew, that my distance vision isn't that great, but not that bad either. According to his read out I've got -1 in my left eye and -0.25 and very slight astigmatism at 160 degrees (where 180 is horizontal) in my right eye.
My distance vision has never been quite as good as my dad's. He can see a watch skrew across the room and tell you whether its copper or gold. His problem is short arm syndrom. Now that he's older, he first started needing reading glasses of stronger and stronger perscriptions, and has now finally broken down and bought trifocals (which he likens somewhat to a drug trip). As for myself, over the last year, I've noticed my distance vision getting progressively worse. Lately, I've been squinting at notes on the board and finding myself dangerously close to a street sign before I can read it. Unfortunately, I've never seen the near sighted equivalents to cheap reading glasses. That's really what I want; some $12 pair off a rack, not $95 frames (that's the cheapest) with $112 lenses. If my eyes continue to get worse, then I'll just need to buy a new pair.

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