Friday, October 29, 2004

What a Load Off

Well, I'm done with my midturms. Wow, that's a relief. Since I don't have to study, I can relax and spend some time celebrating the accomplishment of finishing exams. Now all I have to do before I leave for SVP on tuesday is: wash my laundry, get a hair cut, pack, analyze about 3 dozen bird skulls in scion image, write the introduction, procedure/methods and results of an ornithology paper, do 3 or 4 hours of solid bird watching (for which I must borrow some binoculars), but a GRE book, confirm my flight with the airline, finish my botony labs for next week, read up for what I'll be talking with people about at svp, analyze and plot my dinosaur data (and probably formalize a methods section for that too), arrange for a ride to the airport, print out pertinant application information for my prospective grad schools, arrange for someone in my lab to take pictures of the dead raptors that they're getting in on wednesday and arrange for my ornithology lab partners to not get totally lost on our project that is due that day after I get back. Well, is that all! I could probably get most of that done by tonight!

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