Thursday, October 14, 2004

A belief System in Crisis

Atheists as a whole are in trouble. We're already the minority, but I've noticed something quite dramatic that I'd never quite noticed before: There is a major shortage of good looking female atheists. If you are an atheist and consider yourself decent in the looks department; then you are a rare exception my friend. Do not misconstrue my statement to mean that I think there are a bunch of good looking male atheists. I have no idea; I'm not looking for those. I appear to be one of two atheists in the evening section of my science and religion course. The other one is female, but as shallow as it sounds, I wouldn't want to date her. However, there are a few really good looking catholic girls in the class. What's kept me from asking them out? You can't start a relationship on the basis of a difference in fundamental beliefs; it just wouldn't work. Ok, maybe there is some girl out there who would think it cool to go out with an epistemological bad boy, but I've never met her. Unfortunately though, no matter who I'm talking to, religion always seems to come up early; perhaps I lead the conversation that way, but I can't help it; being an atheist is part of my identity. I've been defending it so long that I really can't imagine not getting into regular discussions on the topic.
Anyway; if you're a female atheist (or don't mind an atheist fellow), happen to read obscure blogs and are easy on the eyes: drop me a line.

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