Monday, March 31, 2008

As if anyone still reads this

I got my official letter of acceptance into a Masters Program today.  It's at the Quaternary Science department at Northern Arizona University, which is good since it's the only school that I applied to this year.  
In past years, I followed my Mom's advise and applied to as many schools as possible.  In past years, I was summarily rejected by every school that I applied to.  Evidently, I put my eggs in too many baskets in the past.  
I don't know yet if I'll be going to NAU.  There are other extraneous factors that I'm not at liberty to publicly discuss at present, but things are really looking up for me.  Going to grad school is the fruition of my entire life's work so far.  I'll grant that any progress towards pre-eminent vertebrate paleontologist is the fruition of my life's work so far, but this is a very big step.  I'll admit though that receiving the letter didn't cause any real reaction.  I already knew it was coming.  My prospective advisor wants me to work with him and I have funding lined up, I've been notified several times before that I'm getting in.  Receiving this letter just makes it official.  The irony is that I won't be able to respond to the letter until the extraneous factors are resolved.  C'est la vie.  Life is a waiting game.


traumador said...

(Stupid blogger... I've tried to comment on this twice already and it hasn't taken)

I STILL read your blog!

Congrats on the acceptance! I've looked forward to the day I can say I knew the famous Dr. Gelnaw, and this is that first step ;p

Hope the life stuff is sorting itself out smoothly (I myself am entering a BIG life stuff phase myself).

You should check out my 3D dino work at and give me some furious feedback. At moment I have a Mosasaur and Lillian the Albertosaur up, and tomorrow I'll be posting my greatest yet. A Lambeosaur.

Catch you soon dude, and keep writing...

Jessica said...

I still read your blog too! Just intermittently! Congrats on your acceptance, that is awesome!

Miss you buddy,

Kirstin said...

I read it too! The world of academia is an excellent one...hope it works out for you.