Tuesday, January 01, 2008


New Year, Same Resolutions.
This time I mean it though.  There shouldn't be a difference between a resolution and a goal that you actually have the determination to accomplish, but there is.  Here are the things that I actually have the determination to achieve this year:
1.  Get into a relationship that lasts more than a month. 
2.  Start my thesis, whether I'm in grad school or not.
3.  Clean my room and keep it clean ( I actually mean it this year!)
4.  read all of the books that I was given last year.  This is a bigger and bigger accomplishment every year.  I've so far never achieved it.

1 comment:

Prehistoric Insanity said...

Good luck on those...

Especially the room cleaning one. I tried that for 2007 and for the first half it looked like it was working. However by June it became too much managing life and the room (being a student teacher piled with mountains of paper didn't help I guess) so I failed.

My suggestion move into a place with a fire place. Than paper won't be a problem :P