Tuesday, June 15, 2004

William Gelnaw's Guide to Frugal Living

The people at google have recently reintroduced the ignorant masses to one of my favorite words; frugale. Unfortunatly, They spell it Froogle so it matches the parent company and now nobody anwhere will be able to spell it properly (heaven help us if it ever makes its way onto spell check lists). I have often found myself trying to explain to people why this word is such an appropriate discription of me. If you know me and know the meaning of the word, then its clear. But when the girl is asking if you want a private dance and all you have is ones, I find myself coming up with synonyms like cheap, pennywise, thrifty, a miser etc.
Frugal is not only a word but an idea that is sorely out of use. People today really don't know how to save their money. Granted, there are alot of circumstances in life that prevent one from being able to save (like getting knocked up), but for much of the population there is no excuse. The American economy practically runs on the fact that Americans buy more than they can afford thereby keeping inflation and interest rates pretty constant. As such I have decided two write the great unamerican novel (or manual). "William Gelnaw's Guide to Frugal living" or just "The Guide to Frugal Living" will instruct the ignorant and spend happy populace of this great nation in the ways of making their money last. If it works en mass then its true that my followers will see an initial reduction in the quality of their lives, but in the long run they'll be glad. I've come up with a few chapter headings as follows:
Never Pay full Price for Retail
Making it Last
Shared Living Arangements or Try Living at the Office
Never Buy Name Brand
The Gender Difference
Peasant Vision
Ebay, the Dollar Store, the Salvatio Army and You
Comparison Shopping
Don't have kids, Please
The Credit Conspiracy
It's Cheaper to Keep'er
Sugar Mamma's/ Daddies and You
Don't Let Grades Get in the Way of Your Education, Attending University for Free
Gambling Losses
The Tax Man Cometh
Police Auctions, the Repo Depot
Don't Have Much, Will Travel
Free Lunch and other Myths (getting/stealing free food, and pot lucks)
Grow Your Own, Make Your Own
Penny Wise but Pound Foolish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true, good words to live by.